The Maker City Tour
Knoxville is The Maker City. From Mountain Dew to craft brew, Dempster dumpsters, PET-CT scanners, and whiskey, Knoxville has a proud heritage of craftspeople and creative manufacturers starting and building businesses by making things with their hands. That legacy continues today in workshops and studios across the City, many of which are now open for drop-in visits on our new Maker City Tour. Visitors can watch glass blowers, silk screen printers, metal workers, woodworkers, craft brewers, chocolatiers, potters, and fashion designers make everything from glassware to gin, custom jewelry to forged iron sculpture. Come be inspired by the mastery of these artisans, and take home your very own piece of 'made in Knoxville' history. Along this self-guided tour, there are many locally-owned places where you can dine, drink and shop. We invite you to meet The Maker City.
The heart and soul of East Tennessee - that's Downtown Knoxville! More than 80 restaurants catering to every taste and budget, over 40 boutique shops in beautifully restored buildings, festivals, world-class theatres, parks, museums, and...
The heart and soul of East Tennessee - that's Downtown Knoxville! More than 80 restaurants...
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See and learn more about other makers in The Maker City at