Knoxville Filming Incentives


The TN Film, Entertainment & Music Commission (TFEMC) offers a newly designed 25% cash rebate for all qualifying TN labor and vendor expenditures, including music. The TFEMC administers this incentive in an effort to recruit film & TV projects, encourage job growth & infrastructure in the state. Prior to production, please review the TFEMC Production Incentive Guidelines, forms & applications available for download.

Please submit all required forms and applications, including all form and application attachments, electronically to To learn more, call 615.741.3456.

Required Forms

Local Financial Film Incentives are available for qualifying productions that shoot inside the borders of Knox County. Call 865-342-9139 for more information.

Disclaimer: The grant of incentives is not an endorsement of a project and should not be construed as an indication of the validity of a project.