K-Town Connect
Ambassador Program
When you see our friendly team out and about downtown in their bright green attire, feel free to ask for directions on where to park, eat and generally have fun. The K-Town Connect team is a fantastic source of information for your downtown experience. For additional assistance, maps and more, be sure to stop by the Visit Knoxville Visitors Center at 301 S. Gay Street.
Our Ambassadors help improve our downtown by providing the following services:
Ambassadors interact with businesses, residents, and visitors as friendly, goodwill representatives of the district and provide directions, share information, make recommendations, and provide assistance.
Ambassadors pick up visible pieces of litter and remove graffiti, stickers, and bills from all public fixtures.
Ambassadors build relationships with the unhoused street population, conduct welfare checks, and provide referrals to local resources specializing in assisting homeless individuals.
Ambassadors are a highly visible presence that continually circulates through the service district on foot or bike as a deterrent for unwanted activity. Ambassadors serve as an extra set of eyes and ears for local law enforcement, business owners, and the general population.
Safety Escorts
Ambassadors offer safety escorts which allow residents, visitors, and local workers to call/request an ambassador to meet them at their location and escort them to their destination within the service area.
Ambassadors address or report any activities deemed to be out of the ordinary. Ambassadors also report/document maintenance issues such as but not limited to overflowing trash cans, illegal dumping, large pieces of graffiti, damaged public infrastructure, and burned-out lights.
We'd love to hear from you! Provide feedback by emailing tsims@blockbyblock.com
Downtown Hours
Sunday-Saturday: 7am-3:30pm
Tuesday-Saturday: 7am-11:30pm
UT Campus Hours
Sunday: 11am-7:30pm
Monday-Tuesday: 7am-3:30pm
Wednesday-Saturday: 7am-11:30pm
Meet the Team
Downtown Knoxville
Tyler Sims
Operations Manager
Jessica Copeland
Jalondre Hughes
Ivy Patterson
Justin Prescott
Tasha Smith
William Williams
University of Tennessee
Shaun Allen
Toby Harold
Dale Jones
Bobby Lee
Nick Marlow