Downtown Knoxville
The heart and soul of East Tennessee - that's Downtown Knoxville!
More than 90 restaurants catering to every taste and budget, over 40 boutique shops in beautifully restored buildings, festivals, world-class theaters, parks, museums, and extraordinary venues for events and outdoor activities; all in less than one square mile and within steps from the University of Tennessee campus.
Popular Downtown Spots
Discover Downtown Knoxville
Knoxville is one of the region’s most accessible cities for authentic outdoor adventure. Whether on a greenway through a historic park or on a natural trail through the woods, you will observe historic relics and beautiful wildflowers among the...
Knoxville is one of the region’s most accessible cities for authentic outdoor adventure....
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Getting Around Downtown
Visitors Center & Shop
Visitors Center & Shop
Located in downtown Knoxville at the corner of Summit and Gay, the Knoxville Visitors Center is your destination for all things Knoxville. With detailed maps, attraction brochures, locally sourced products, and live entertainment, visitors and locals...
Located in downtown Knoxville at the corner of Summit and Gay, the Knoxville Visitors Center is your...
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Featured Downtown Events
WDVX Blue Plate Special
WDVX Blue Plate Special
WDVX Blue Plate Special has been suspended due to COVID-19, but we look forward to welcoming live entertainment back to the Visitors Center soon. This live radio show takes place Monday - Saturday at noon at the WDVX Studios in the downtown Visitors...
WDVX Blue Plate Special has been suspended due to COVID-19, but we look forward to welcoming live...
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First Friday Knoxville
First Friday Knoxville
Galleries and venues throughout the city feature a variety of artists’ displays and live music the 1st Friday of each month
Galleries and venues throughout the city feature a variety of artists’ displays and live music the...