Knoxville Scooters & e-Bikes

Knoxville is excited to offer premier scooter and e-Bike options to get you around town quickly. Scooters can be rented by downloading one of these apps from your device's app store and creating an account. You must be 18 years of age to ride. The apps will show you where you can find closest scooters and e-Bikes, and where you are allowed to ride. Enjoy exploring and stay safe.

Lime Scooter  

Apple Store Badge Google Play Link

bird logo   

Apple Store Badge Google Play Link

Know Before You Go Electric Scooters

Watch video to learn more.


Tips and Frequently Asked Questions

We want to make sure everyone is riding safely while having fun. A few things to keep in mind:

RIDE- Use bike lanes whenever possible. To find out where bike lanes are in Knoxville, check out Knoxville Bike map. Be sure to share the road and remember that not everyone rides the same way.

SAFETY- Protect yourself while riding by wearing a helmet. Use hand signals when possible and be aware of your surroundings when interacting with traffic.

BE MINDFUL- Park on wide sidewalks in the furniture zone closer to the curb or near bike racks out of the way of pedestrian traffic. Avoid blocking sidewalks, wheelchair ramps, bus stops, and landscaped areas.

Where can scooters be ridden?
Electric scooters must be ridden in the streets. They are not allowed on sidewalks or greenways.

How do I find a scooter?
The first thing you will want to do is to download the apps,  Link and Bird. When you have the app loaded with your credit card information, you will be ready to engage an electric scooter. The app will provide locations of scooters and the map where scooters are permitted.

How far can I go on the scooter?
The scooters can be ridden on downtown streets, but not on Market Square, sections of Cumberland Avenue, or the Henley Bridge. The app provides a map area where scooters can be ridden. Users should consult the map and plan trips accordingly.  Lingering in a prohibited zone will disable the accelerator.

How old do I have to be to ride a scooter?
Sixteen (16) years of age. You must have valid identification to rent a scooter.

How fast can an electric scooter go?
Electric scooters can only travel at 15 mph. This speed can, and may, be reduced during special events.

What times are scooters available?
Hours of operation are 7 a.m. through 11 p.m.

What other factors impact when electric scooters are available?
If it is raining, or there is a strong chance of rain in the forecast, electric scooters may not be available.

How many scooters are available?
Initially, 50 electric scooters will be available from each vendor. This number will change over time, based on demand.

Where should I park my scooter when I am finished?
You can park a scooter adjacent to the rental bicycle holding area or park it where a bicycle could be safely parked. Please do not lay it across the sidewalk or road. Rather, park the scooter upright and out of the way of pedestrians and moving vehicles.

What if I have problems with my scooter?
Both vendors' numbers are below, but there is a customer service number on the scooter as well.
Link Support hotline: 1-844-701-8163
VeoRide Support hotline: 1-855-836-2256

How do I report a complaint about a scooter?
If you need to make a complaint about a scooter, you can use the app or call the phone number on the scooter. 

Can I be fined for using my scooter inappropriately?
Yes, you may be fined for leaving your scooter in a position that impedes pedestrian, bicycle, or motor vehicle traffic or other misuse. You may also be fined and ticketed for not complying with traffic rules and regulations.