WHAT: Hundreds of Boy Scouts volunteer, learn skills at Ijams during 2022 National Order of the Arrow Conference in Knoxville
WHEN: July 26, 27, and 28, 2022, from ~9 a.m.-5 p.m.
WHO: Up to 400+ Boy Scouts per day
WHY: To learn, give back and build ties of brotherhood
CONTACT: Cindy Hassil
chassil@ijams.org; work: 865-577-4717, ext. 1007; mobile: 865-201-8336
The Boy Scouts of America’s 2022 National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC) will be held in Knoxville July 25-30, and that means A LOT of extra hands at Ijams Nature Center!
The annual event will bring thousands of Arrowmen from across the country to The University of Tennessee-Knoxville.
Hundreds of Boy Scouts will learn trail building and maintenance techniques and put these new skills to work at Ijams on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from around 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Participation should be at its highest on Tuesday and Thursday (potentially 400+ Scouts per day).
Ijams Natural Resource Manager Ben Nanny and Assistant Natural Resource Manager Joseph Bailey will be working with Scout leaders on various projects, which will include:
- Building a new trail from Ijams main overflow lot (across from the Visitor Center’s main parking lot) to the Ijams Dunn St. property.
- Rebuilding stairs on Discovery Trail.
- Regrading Discovery Trail and addressing drainage concerns.
- Work at the Peg Beute Education and Propagation Site at the top of the hill on Universal Trail.