The Spring 2014 East Tennessee Plant Swap will be held at New Harvest Park, located at 4775 New Harvest Lane in Knoxville, on Saturday, May 24, 2014.
Setup will begin at 9:30am, swapping starts at 10:00am, and a pot-luck lunch will be at 11:30am or noon.
All plants and other items are swapped for FREE-no money is allowed.
Everyone is invited to join us for this exciting and fun event that brings together people who love plants and gardening.
The ETPS provides an opportunity to make new friends, talk to old friends, and share plants and all types of gardening-related stuff with fellow gardeners.
You do not have to bring plants in order to swap. Bring items such as gardening supplies, magazines, pots, seeds and one plate of food for the potluck.
 More information can be found at