KNOXVILLE, TN - Visit Knoxville is proud to announce the 43rd Annual CFA Cat show presented by Tennessee Valley Cat Fanciers, Inc. is headed back to Knoxville! Cat lovers are sure to have a purrr-fect day March 28th – 29th at Chilhowee Park as they watch nearly 40 breeds strut down the cat walk to compete for a chance at a national win. The Household Pet competition is sure to get your furry friend some attention right meow.

This is a fun inexpensive way to hang out with friends or family and see how cats expect to be treated. Admission is $7.00 for adults, $5.00 for seniors and kids, and family price of $20.  Returning this year is the cat agility course (Yes! Cats can be trained!) where you see cats compete for a race track time and jockey for placements in national competitions and chase a toy over steps.  The Fur Flies along with daily cat competitions for regional and national placements.

For children attending we will again have Audrey Goodnoe to paint the children’s faces like kitties and tigers and also have a coloring contest.
Judges of the competition will choose from pedigree and non-pedigree cats to select the Top 10 competitors from each division. Over 200 cats will be competing. The popular Bengal is now in championship status and is bigger than ever.  A new cat breed to this show is the cat of Thailand, the “Khao Manee”, an exotic white cat with two different colored eyes.  Local support and enthusiasm for this show is always strong. Judges come here expecting to see cats that have the potential to become national winners.

All cats are invited to enter. Rescue groups will be on hand so you can find a cat for your family plus they’ll be included in the competition. To enter your feline friend, visit To get a dollar off coupon for the show visit or

For over 40 years, Tennessee Valley Cat Fanciers, Inc. has come to Knoxville to present beautiful cats and generate funds to donate to local organizations.

For interviews call Vivian Baylor at 865-482-7106