​Join us at Marble Springs on Saturday, May 6th for the Marble Springs Storytelling Festival from 10:00 am till 5:00 pm. Professional storytellers Susan Fulbright, Sheri Liles, Cuz Headrick, and Ruthie McIntyre from the Smoky Mountain Storytellers Association will be performing on our historic grounds telling traditional and historic stories. This year will include traditional folk musician and Appalachian historian, Chip Bailey, whose program titled, “With a Banjo on my knee: The music of the American Plantation 1760-1860” which will emphasize the contributions of the African Slaves, the Scots-Irish immigrants, and Stephen Foster, the “Father of American Music.” The gates open at 10:00, the Knoxville Area Dulcimer Club will start playing at 10:30 and the storytelling will begin at 11:00. Children’s activities will also be available, featuring a new treasure hunt on the grounds. The historic buildings will be open for self guided tours. Pack your picnic, spread out your blanket, or set up your lawn chairs and enjoy some great East Tennessee traditions.

This event is free to the public. Donations are appreciated with all proceeds going towards grounds maintenance and educational programming at Marble Springs. For more information please visit www.marblesprings.net, email info@marblesprings.net, or call (865) 573-5508.

This event will take place at the Marble Springs State Historic Site:

1220 West Governor John Sevier Highway

Knoxville, TN 37920

Programming assistance for the Marble Springs Storytelling Festival is funded by the Tennessee Arts Commission.

Programming assistance for Marble Springs is provided by Knox County. Marble Springs is funded under an agreement with the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, Tennessee Historical Commission, and supplemented by additional funds raised by the Governor John Sevier Memorial Association.

About Marble Springs State Historic Site
Marble Springs State Historic Site is the last remaining home of John Sevier.  Born in Virginia in 1745, John Sevier made a name for himself as a Revolutionary War Hero during the Battle of Kings Mountain (1780), a key player & Governor of the short-lived State of Franklin (1784-1788), and ultimately was elected to serve as the first Governor of the State of Tennessee (1796).

Marble Springs was the approximate 350-acre farm that Sevier lived on from 1801-1815, the last years of his life.  Sevier named his farm Marble Springs because of the Tennessee Rose Marble that was quarried on site and the natural springs that flowed on the property.

While visiting Marble Springs, you will have the opportunity to tour several historic structures that are designed to represent various aspects of John Sevier’s life & times.  These structures include: the Tavern, Loom House, Smoke House, Spring House & the John Sevier Cabin and detached kitchen.