KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Knox County is implementing a new community-wide emergency notification system that will offer email, text and phone alerts in the case of an emergency. The project was spearheaded by Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett and Knox County Commissioner Mike Hammond.
Residents can register their home phone, cell phone and email addresses online at Anyone without internet access can call 865-560-0239 to sign up by phone. There is no fee to participate in the program.
“I am proud that Knox County is now able to provide this notification system, and I want to thank Commissioner Hammond, especially, for his leadership on this project,” said Mayor Burchett. “We often get the feeling that we’re immune from tornadoes, floods and other disasters because we’re tucked away in the Tennessee Valley. Unfortunately, disasters, whether they’re natural or manmade, still happen, and we need to be as prepared for them as possible.”
“There is no question these systems have saved lives in other communities, said Commissioner Hammond. “This gives our citizens the chance to be notified in advance of bad weather, and to also be informed in the event of other emergencies. Special thanks to Mayor Burchett, Sheriff Jones, Police Chief Rausch and the County Commission for supporting this system.”
The emergency notification system is made possible through Federal Signal, Knox County’s contractor for this service.
“Knox County will now be able to immediately notify citizens during emergencies, and even geographically target areas around the county for specific messaging related to weather events and other emergencies. Additionally, the new Federal Signal system connects with FEMA’s Integrated Public Alert and Warning interface (IPAWS),” said Federal Signal Vice President and General Manager Matt Brady. “We look forward to all Knox County residents signing up for this important notification system.”
The emergency notification system will be implemented by Rural Metro using E911 Center data. Residents can choose to receive community-wide emergency alerts, public safety alerts and weather-related alerts.