“Building The Birdhouse... Strengthening the Community,” is a fundraiser seeking to do just that.

The Birdhouse is an open community space in the 4th and Gill neighborhood that was created to provide a central place for local residents to share ideas, work on various creative projects, and gain experience in areas from gardening, arts (including painting and sculpting, online media production, and other skills) free of charge. As a DIY space, they provide a place for artists and musicians to perform and display their work unlike any other venue in Knoxville.

The lack of closet space in the house has proven to be a huge organizational issue for The Birdhouse. There is a dire need for an outdoor storage facility to curb some of these organization issues. By building this outdoor storage facility, The Birdhouse will be able to accommodate larger events while continuing to ensure adequate space for weekly meetings and smaller events that have helped the community flourish.
This campaign is run by four students from The University of Tennessee with the goal of improving their community. They are using Indiegogo to fund this campaign that ends on April 24, 2014 and is still $1,315 away from its goal of $1,800 (all of which will be used to build the shed).

The Birdhouse also does everything it can to support small businesses. An example of that is whom The Birdhouse will be hiring to build this shed for them. The Birdhouse will be using Roots and Shoots Urban Gardens to build the shed, a company hires Iraqi refugees in the area.

In addition, The Birdhouse is constantly working on bettering the community by promoting the following: social and political awareness with their weekly documentary screenings, self reliance with their many workshops (from how to fix a bike to how to brew beer), and community unity with their weekly community dinners and a community garden.
Email: acleek1@utk.edu Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/n9u7nxw Twitter: @Birdhouseshed Campaign: http://tinyurl.com/lzusctz