The City of Knoxville will discuss and solicit public input on a Bicycle Facilities Plan being developed by its professional design consultants, Kimley-Horn and Associates and Toole Design Group, at a public meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 21, at the East Tennessee History Center, 601 S. Gay St.
“The plan will determine a 50-mile citywide bikeway network focused on improving the accessibility, safety and convenience of traveling by bicycle,” said Alternative Transportation Coordinator Jon Livengood, who works for the City’s Engineering Department.
Within the 50 miles of planned bikeways, the consultants will make recommendations for 20 high-priority short-term projects that address barriers to cycling and/or improve important connections in the bikeway network. These projects will include both on-road and off-road facilities.
During the first public meeting, the consultants will review the purpose of the plan, preliminary recommendations and upcoming milestones. Public comments will be solicited. At a second public meeting, which hasn’t yet been scheduled, the findings of the draft plan will be presented by the City’s consultants.
The plan is expected to be complete by September 2014
Contact: Eric Vreeland
865.215.3480 Office
865.258.3431 Cell